10 Ways to Build a Stronger Spiritual Life This Year

January 16, 2018

It’s the New Year and we are all filled with excitement and expectation for what this year will bring. With every New Year comes new goals and aspirations, one of which for Christians is always to build a stronger relationship with God. Year after year many try and constantly fail in this area because they have NO clue on how to start or develop a solid spiritual life.

I’m sharing with you 10 easy ways you can achieve REAL spiritual growth this year.

1)   Read your Bible daily

Find a Bible reading plan that is right for you. A plan will keep you consistent in quiet time and fellowship with God. Commit to making this a daily habit, set out time to hear from God.

7 different ways to read your bible.

Youversion, Bible Hub and Bible Gateway are also very good bible study resources.

2)   Change your playlist

Music is a window to the soul. It has the power to provoke emotions and thoughts that go on to shape our mood, mindset and life – eventually. Listen to uplifting gospel music that continually affirms the word of God and connects your spirit to the Spirit of God will help you reach a level of intimacy with God easily. Set aside focused worship time and soak in the atmosphere of heaven.

I pay for Spotify monthly because it honestly does a lot for me in finding a variety of gospel songs, artists and creating playlists because worship really does feed my soul. You can sign up for a free account here. 

3)  Partner with the Holy Spirit

If we know the power that we have with the Holy Spirit present in our lives, we would never stay far from Him. It’s like having a permanent lifeline and joker in this game of life. If we can stay constantly connected and in tune to the Holy Spirit’s leading, we would make fewer mistakes and live more fulfilling lives.

Tip: Pray in the Spirit for 30 minutes a day.

4)   Fast and Pray

Fasting is one of the number one things that bring spiritual transformation – when the flesh is subdued; the spirit has a chance to grow. However, fasting without praying is almost completely useless. Our prayer potency is stronger when we fast since our spirits are more aligned to God’s will when we starve our flesh and feed on things of the spirit.

Tip: Schedule occasional weekly or monthly fasts where you separate yourself to seek God’s face.

Here’s the 21-day transformation fast which is an amazing fasting resource.

5)   Use your words

We are aware of the power in our tongue. The bible stresses and compares the use of our tongue to life and death. It is important for us to practice speaking our goals, dreams and expectations into existence. Refrain from negative self-talk and bashing yourself or others. The bible makes us aware that we will make an account for every empty word we speak (Matthew 12:36).

Tip: Speak it into existence. Say no idle word.

6)   Be grateful

Gratitude is the best attitude to receive blessings. Many people have it way worse than you and although it sucks to want something and not see it manifest, we have to remain thankful while exercising the virtue of patience.

Tip: Start a gratitude journal to record what you are thankful for everyday.

7)   Live a Holy Life

Deep in our hearts, we know the difference between right and wrong. We know what upsets and what pleases God if we can only be true to ourselves. Do more of what pleases God, Refrain from anything that would not make God smile. Be a living example of Christ on the earth. Stop those secret sins, get rid of those little foxes, uproot the weeds and drink from the living water so that your life can flourish all around.

8)   Surround yourself with people with similar goals.

Find a fellowship, church, group or meeting where you can be spiritually fed and nurtured.

Tip: Join a local church or a Christian connect group in your city.

9)   Go to gospel events.

Find the gospel version of the type of events you like and attend. It can be a gospel brunch, a gospel music concert, a Christian movie screening – anything that sparks your interest and connects you to the King.

10)   Do the work.

It’s sometimes easy to set goals and plan but accomplishing it is definitely not a bed of roses. The bible says that faith without works is dead. Do the work! Commit to these things like your life depends on it.

Our lives get so busy that it is hard to keep up sometimes but forming spiritually healthy habits will help us stay on track even in the busiest of times.

Grace & Peace,


  1. phiwokuhle.thabiso says:

    Thanks for the words I wanna change my life though it is very hard but I think you have a very wonderful intel here and I hope it will help me cos that what I pray for. God bless you.

  2. Samuel Williams says:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, I really want God to change my spiritual life.

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