God’s Word

January 7, 2016

Glory often comes in uncomfortable places and some times the word of God will check your actions, thoughts and character.

It’s not all about justifying those things that God wants to get rid of from your life but actually surrendering.

Don’t bend the word, let the word bend you and be broken. It’s okay for you to be uncomfortable but don’t run.

We often need pressure and discomfort to press into our breakthrough.

God has put His WORD above His name. (Psalm 138). There is power in the word of God. There is healing in the word of God. There is revelation in the word of God. Let His word spin you to your greatness.

There is no pride with God. After you surrender and obey, He can work on you and break whatever internal hindrance that’s delaying your purpose from successfully manifesting.

Let His word change you, break you and heal you.


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