Why Kingdom Business Is Serious Business

April 5, 2023

As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world, making a positive impact on the people and communities around us. One way we can do this is through Kingdom business – the practice of using our resources and talents to further God’s Kingdom on earth.

Many Christians may view business as simply a means to an end – a way to make money to support themselves and their families or fund their ministries and charitable work. However, Kingdom business is so much more than that. It is a serious and powerful way to bring about change in the world and to fulfill God’s calling on our lives.

So why is Kingdom business such serious business?

First and foremost, Kingdom business is serious because it is directly tied to our calling as Christians. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, spreading his message of love, grace, and redemption to the world. By engaging in Kingdom business, we can use our business endeavours to spread the message of Christ and to bring about positive change in the world.

Secondly, Kingdom business is serious because it is about more than just profit. While making a profit is important for any business, Kingdom business is driven by a higher purpose – to serve God and to make a positive impact on the world. This means that we must be intentional in our business practices, ensuring that we are using our resources and talents in a way that aligns with God’s will and values.

Thirdly, Kingdom business is serious because it requires us to take risks and step out of our comfort zones. It is easy to stay in our own little bubble, focusing only on ourselves and our own interests. However, Kingdom business requires us to be bold and courageous, taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones to pursue God’s calling on our lives.

Finally, Kingdom business is serious because it has the potential to make a real and lasting impact on the world. When we use our resources and talents to further God’s Kingdom, we can bring about positive change in the lives of others, whether it is through creating jobs, supporting charitable causes, or spreading the message of Christ.

As we seek to please God in every area of our lives, let us remember the power and importance of Kingdom work, and let us be intentional in our business practices so that we can truly make a difference for God’s Kingdom.

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